- Management – Azure Cloud Shell
Azure Cloud Shell
- Browser-accessible shell for managing Azure resources
- Can provide Bash or PowerShell
- □ In background it uses dockerized version of PowerShell / bash
- When you open it for the first time –
- It creates a new storage account called azcloudshell and some numbers
11. It then creates a file share that stores your user information.
- Management – Resources & Costs.
Resource tagging
- ! Always tag!
- Tags are additional metadata that can be assigned to resources/resource groups.
- ! Child resources do not inherit resource groups tags
- ! Max 15 tag name/value pairs.
- E.g. CostCenter = YHZ
- Why?
- Organize
- Search
- View
- Billing & cost managements
- On Portal
- You can search for Tags and see filtered lists.
- ! Resources are tagged after resource is created as opposed to PowerShell/CLI.
Resource Tagging and Cost Center Spending Limits
Spending Limits
- Applies to free trial subscriptions, fv1SDN and Visual Studio subscriptions.
- If spending limit is exceeded:
- Email message is sent
- If spending limit is exceeded:
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- Deployed resources are disabled in next billing cycle.
- Databases and storage accounts become read-only
o Free trials can be upgraded to Pay-as-you-go
- Do not apply to support plans, pay-as-you-go, Enterprise Dev/Test
ARM Consumption API
- Returns usage details
- ! Supported only in Enterprise enrollments and Web Direct subscriptions
- Available through CLI and different SDKs.
- Consumption APls
- Enterprise customers only: Price Sheet, Budgets, Balance
- Reserved VMs: Reservation Summaries AP/, Reservation Details AP/, Reservation recommendations AP/
- Others: Marketplace charges, usage details
Azure Pricing Calculator
- Estimates monthly costs
- See online
Azure Advisor Cost Recomendations
- Identifies wastage
- E.g. idle VMs, SQL DBs.
- Can configure automatic shutdown
- Auto-shutdown option in VM.
- Recommendations about:
- High availability
- Security
- Performance
- Cost recommendations, e.g.:
- Virtual machine reserved instances to reduce costs.
- VM resizing: Scale up/ down
- Remove unprovisioned ExpressRoute circuits.
- Configure rule:
o E.g. Average CPU Utilization < 5%
Subscription blade
- In Cost analysis you can filter by Tags.
- Invoices
- Manage in Subscription blade
- Manage payment methods
- ! Adding one allows you to remove subscription limits.
- Download usage details
- Transfer/cancel subscription
- Set-up billing alerts
- E.g. e-mail if billing total is $150
- Manage payment methods
Optimizing VM costs
- !if• Use VM Reserved Instances
- You can create one in Reservations blade
- !if• Set-up auto shutdown in VMs
- Auto-shutdown blade in VM.
Microsoft Azure Resource Providers
- Enables Azure features.
- Many are registered automatically
- E.g. Microsoft. Compute that handles
VMs, Microsoft.Network,Microsoft.Sql, Microsoft.Storage
- Some are not registered automatically
- E.g.Microsoft.Policyinsights,Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory,Microsoft.Az ureStack, Microsoft.Botservice
- Custom providers can be registered with subscription.
- Requires the Contributor or Owner roles.
- In most cases providers are registered automatically when you deploy resources that uses the providers.
- You can register, unregister, re-register through Subscription _. Resource providers in Portal
- Management – Resource Groups
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Resource groups
- Logical grouping of resources that shares the same lifecycles.
- Resource group holds different unique resources.
- Resource groups can contain resources that reside in different regions.
- Location of resource group is just the meta data for the resource group.
- Categorization/ organization of resource groups for e.g. billing, management
- E.g. Dept: IT
- ! Tags are not inherited
- ! Max 15 tag name/value pairs.
- For accidental deletion or accidental changes to resources within a resource group.
- Consists of two locks:
- CanNotDelete
- Authorized users can still read and modify a resource, but they can’t delete the resource.
- CanNotDelete
- Consists of two locks:
- ReadOnly
- Authorized users can read a resource, but they can’t delete or update the resource.
- Same as giving everyone a Reader role.
- Locks are inherited from resources within the resource group.
- Access control, RBAC
- Roles are inherited
- Role assignment: Role definition role (role, e.g. Reader) + Person/Scope/Service Principal + Scope
- Azure entity that controls behaviors within a resource group
- Allow you to keep compliant with corporate standards and SLAs.
- Set in a scope with a name and definition.
- Scope: E.g. resource group, subscription.
- Definition: E.g. “Allow resource types”Name, description, Policy (e.g. azurepolicy. rules. json),
Parameters (e.g. azurepolicy. parameters. j son)
- Create event subscriptions triggered by the resources group in Event Grid.
Automation Script
- Can be added to library to be redeployed later on.
- ! All resources cannot be redeployed
- ! Must change the name to avoid duplicates.
- ARM templates for resource groups can also be found on GitHub.
- You can Add to library, or click on Deploy to deploy directly.
Moving Resources
- You can move resources to another resource group or subscription.
- ! All resources cannot be moved.
- Ways of moving
- Using CU: az resource move –destination-group new-rg –id resourceid
- In portal: Overview –. Move
- Target: What resource and where
- Criteria: What specific action
- Details: Who, when, where, how
- Action Group: Who to inform and how to inform them
- Resource group: Where to look at the metric
- Resource type: The type of resource to look at
- Available metrics: What specifics about the metrics
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- Chart: Graphic display of the metric
- Governance – Roles
Role assignments
- Delegated resource administration
- Roles organize related resource permissions together
- Depends on resource type
- E.g. different for VM and storage.
- Depends on resource type
- Scope
- Roles are applied to a scope.
- They’re inherited in following order:
- Management groups
- Subscription
- Resource groups
- Individual resources
- Role can be assigned to:
- Users
- Groups
- Service principal
- Application
- System Assigned Managed Identity: App Service, Function App, Virtual Machine, Virtual Machine Scale Set
- User Assigned Managed Identity
Role types
Built-in roles
- 60+
- Common roles:
- Owner: Manage resources and resource access
- Contributor: Manage resources but not resource access.
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- Reader: Read-only access
- Storage Blob Data Reader: Specific to storage accounts
- SQL DB Contributor: Manage, but not access, SQL databases
- VM Contributor: Manage, but not access, virtual machines.
Custom roles
- ! Built using only PowerShell / CLI or REST API.
o New-AzureRmRoleDefinitation -Role $customRole
- Shows in same drop-down lists with built-in roles
- JSON file looks like this:
. {
- “Name”: “Network Resource Viewer”,
- “IsCustom”: true,
- “Description”: “Allows reading Azure network resources.”,
- “Actions”: [ “Microsoft.Network/*/read” ],
- “NotAction s” : [ ],
- “AssignableScopes”: [ “/subscriptions/048.. “
Classic Administrator Roles
- The account that is used to sign up for Azure is automatically set as both the Account Administrator and Service Administrator.
o Roles are properties that can be changed in Subscription blade
- ! Azure recommends using RBAC roles
- Account Administrator (1 per Azure account)
- Conceptually, the billing owner of the subscription.
- The Account Administrator has no access to the Azure portal.
- Service Administrator (1 per Azure subscription)
- By default, for a new subscription, the Account Administrator is also the Service Administrator.
- The Service Administrator has the equivalent access of a user who is assigned the Owner role at the subscription scope.
- The Service Administrator has full access to the Azure portal.
- Co-Administrator (200 per subscription)
- The Co-Administrator has the equivalent access of a user who is assigned the Owner role at the subscription scope.